Are you struggling to take or keep track of your diabetic medication? Do you worry about the side effects of your diabetic drugs? These are genuine concerns for any diabetic to get answers to. Drug compliance can be increased when patients can tolerate side effects of drugs. To ensure continuous normal blood sugar values as indicated in your blood glucose meter, you need to take your diabetic medications, eat right and exercise adequately.
You need a strategy to assist you in taking your drugs regularly and to reduce your susceptibility to the adverse effects of diabetic drugs. In this article, you will learn how to keep track of your drugs and safety precautions while on your diabetic drugs.
Let’s get started!
Most diabetics have other medical conditions like hypertension, elevated cholesterol, arthritis etc. The combination of drugs called Polypharmacy predisposes you to the adverse effects of drugs because multiple drug interactions alter the metabolism of drugs in the body. This alteration may make you prone to unwanted side effects of the drugs such as reduced blood glucose level or gastro-intestinal disturbances.
Thus, the best remedy is to show your doctor all the drugs you take before you are placed on a particular diabetic medication. This allows your doctor to prescribe drugs with a lower tendency to interact with other drugs you take or to change your drug totally.
Some diabetics do not take their drugs at prescribed doses in their daily regimen. This decreases the chances of attaining their target blood sugar level. The solution is not to start insulin or increase your drug dosage?
You need a system that helps you track your daily doses. What you need is a PILL BOX. A pill box has multiple compartments that help you to arrange your drugs in an organized time sequence. For instance, with the support of your family members, you can pre-arrange all drugs for the day and insert them into the morning, afternoon and evening compartments of your pill box. Buy pill boxes that have specific time intervals for taking drugs. This will promote accuracy in your timing of drugs.
- Take your drugs at a specific period each day.
- Do not skip your meals.
- Refill your drugs before it finishes- This promotes optimal drug glucose control.
- Report frequent episodes of low blood sugar level to your doctor.
- Ask for assistance from your family and doctor when confused.
- Inform your doctor of any unusual symptom.
Finally, you need to take your drugs daily as prescribed by your doctor to achieve optimal blood glucose control. Aim to be safe while taking your diabetic medications and get a PILL BOX to enable you track your drug intake. If you have any challenges or questions about your drugs, send message to my team today.
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